Friday, November 18, 2011

Incredibly thankful to Mike Boyle of MB Studio Services!

INCREDIBLY thankful to Mike Boyle of MB Studio Services for the audio support and technical advice, so I could do remote radio interviews for OC Talk Radio at my first TED-x Event last night! You ROCK Mike! And Michelle Patterson - what an event you put together - thanks for allowing me to do the media coverage!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Director Andrea Blaugrund Nevins and Producer Cristan Reilly of The Other F Word will be on the Momz Rock the House Show!

Director Andrea Blaugrund Nevins and Producer Cristan Reilly of The Other F Word just called into the Momz Rock the House Show to record a segment for my show airing on Thursday on OC Talk Radio...more info coming soon!

Janeane Bernstein

Janeane Bernstein
Photo by Ralph Palumbo


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